Architecture is often portrayed and perceived as a glamorous career, with a salary akin to a lawyer’s. In reality, this is far from the truth.
The average salary for architects is $66,713 in the US and £33,427 in the UK. This figure can increase with experience; however, it is a common misconception that architects are exceptionally well paid. The average architects’ salary is similar to that of a registered nurse or a police officer.
These figures are averages. Many factors will affect how much an architect earns, such as experience, type of work, and location. The following article will explore all aspects that affect the salary as an architect and show you how you can earn more. We will also explore how much architects make in countries around the world.
There are many different figures available when discussing the average salary of an architect. Many statistics that are available online are very misleading, so we have cross-referenced all figures where possible. For consistency, all of the numbers provided in this article are taken from payscale.com unless otherwise stated.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In the US?
The average salary for architects in the US is $66,713. The average starting salary for an architect in America is $49,666, and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of $88,963.
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | $49,666 |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | $65,545 |
Late Career | 20+ Years | $88,963 |
This data is taken from PayScale.com with a sample size of 2,974 people. This is a large data set, meaning these figures should be reliable.
Other sources suggest that the average salary for architects in the US could be significantly higher than this. Indeed.com indicates an average of $113,212, and Salary Explorer is showing an average of $120,000.
If these higher estimates are believed, this makes the US one of the best-paid countries for architects in the world!
Where Do Architects Earn The Most In The US?
The highest-paid architects in the United States are in Los Angeles, where the average annual salary is $81,725. This is 22% more than the national average for qualified architects.
Top 5 Cities for Architects Salaries in the US
No. | City | National Comparison | Average Salary |
1 | Los Angeles, California | +22% | $81,725 |
2 | Washington, District of Columbia | +11% | $74,414 |
3 | Los Angeles, California | +9% | $72,619 |
4 | Boston, Massachusetts | +5% | $70,404 |
5 | Seattle, Washington | +2% | $67,925 |
There is a vast array of salaries across the United States. It is always good to remember that these are an average covering all levels of experience and office types. It is also worth noting that the cost of living varies significantly between cities.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In the UK?
The average salary for architects in the UK is £33,427 ($44,353). According to the RIBA, Entry level ‘Part 1’ architectural assistants can expect to earn £21,000 ($28,516), with ‘Part 2’ assistants earning £28,000 ($38,022). After 5 years of experience, a qualified architect can expect a salary of £40,000 ($54,317) and above.
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | £27,089 ($35,944) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | £35,479 ($47,076) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | £44,060 ($58,208) |
This data is taken from PayScale.com with a sample size of 510 people.
The table above gives you a good overview of how much an architect will be paid in the UK. It doesn’t, however, describe the varying salary levels throughout the country.
Where Do Architects Earn The Most In The UK?
The highest-paid architects in the United Kingdom are in London, where the average annual salary is £38,849 ($51,430). This is 17% more than the national average for qualified architects.
Architect’s Salaries Across the UK
No. | City | National Comparison | Average Salary |
1 | London, England | +17% | £38,849 |
2 | Nottingham, England | +5% | £35,000 |
3 | Belfast, Northern Ireland | +2% | £34,157 |
4 | Glasgow, Scotland | -1% | £33,000 |
5 | Manchester, England | -6% | £31,452 |
6 | Edinburgh, Scotland | -17% | £27,536 |
Although the average salary is higher in London than in other parts of the UK, it is worth baring in mind that this is a significantly more expensive place to live. Rent in London can cost more than double that of Manchester.
RIBA Salary Guide
The RIBA Salary Guide is the best place to determine how much you should be paid depending on your experience level. Salary data is collected from over 3000 architecture practices across the UK and compiled by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
The guide also shows how pay varies depending on the size of the practice and its location.
As this is data produced by the UK’s official professional body for architects, it is a trusted and respected set of data. Suppose you think you should be paid more. In that case, the RIBA salary guide is a good starting point for salary negotiations with your employer.
The RIBA salary guide is also a useful reference if you are asked how much you expect to be paid in a job interview.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid Around The World?
We thought it would be helpful to compare how much architects get paid around the world. It’s challenging to find the data from some countries, but we have done some digging!
Below you will see a table that shows the average salary for an architect in many counties worldwide. It’s important to remember that this takes in all regions and levels of experience. Still, it should give you a good idea.
In general, the richer the country, the higher the average salary is for architects. However, the cost of living in these places is also significantly higher.
Alongside the salary, we have also included the ‘cost of living index’ by Numbeo. This is a figure that gives an indication of how expensive it is to live in a particular country. The lower the number is, the more expensive the country.
This is a helpful statistic to see alongside the salary. A low wage isn’t so bad if the cost of living is also low.
The ‘cost of living index’ might be difficult to contextualize, so we have also included a column that shows the price of a beer in each country. That’s something that we can all relate to!
Country | Average Salary | Cost Of Living Ranking | Price Of Beer |
Switzerland | $87,600 | 2nd | $6.97 |
Hong Kong | $68,400 | 3rd | $4.68 |
United States | $66,700 | 14th | $3.99 |
Iceland | $66,500 | 7th | $5.96 |
Sweden | $58,800 | 24th | $7.45 |
Norway | $57,700 | 6th | $10.43 |
Canada | $53,000 | 29th | $4.63 |
Australia | $47,500 | 17th | $6.94 |
China | $45,600 | 77th | $1.53 |
New Zealand | $45,400 | 19th | $5.10 |
United Kingdom | $44,400 | 30th | $4.62 |
Singapore | $44,300 | 4th | $8.04 |
Spain | $42,500 | 41st | $2.59 |
Netherlands | $41,900 | 17th | $2.52 |
Ireland | $41,300 | 9th | $5.68 |
Germany | $41,300 | 31st | $3.52 |
UAE | $33,200 | 20th | $8.79 |
South Africa | $20,200 | 82nd | $1.47 |
Egypt | $6,500 | 124th | $2.46 |
The Philippines | $5,900 | 89th | $0.75 |
India | $4,800 | 134th | $1.36 |
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Canada?
The average salary for architects in Canada is US$53,019 (C$69,481). The average starting salary for an architect in Canada is US$37,666 (C$49,361), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$72,915 (C$95,575).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$37,666 (C$49,361) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$51,813 (C$67,901) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$72,915 (C$95,575) |
The figures above are taken from PayScale.com in which 395 people were surveyed. This is a large amount of data from people with a wide range of experience. For that reason, these salaries should be reasonably accurate.
According to the data that we have collected, Canada is one of the best-paid nations for architects. On top of this, numbeo.com ranks the country as only the 29th most expensive country to live in.
Architect’s Salaries Across Canada
No. | City | National Comparison | Average Salary |
1 | Vancouver, British Columbia | +6% | C$73,317 |
2 | Toronto, Ontario | +1% | C$70,156 |
3 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | -4% | C$66,594 |
4 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | -6% | C$65,000 |
5 | Calgary, Alberta | -7% | C$64,733 |
6 | Ottawa, Ontario | -8% | C$64,191 |
7 | Montréal, Québec | -11% | C$61,935 |
Overall, it seems like Canada is a pretty great place to be an architect, and the price of a beer is only US$4.63.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Ireland?
The average salary for architects in Ireland is US$41,330 (€34,769). The average starting salary for an architect in Ireland is US$30,484 (€25,641), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$72,522 (€61,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$30,484 (€25,641) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$42,277 (€35,560) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$72,522 (€61,000) |
The figures above are taken from PayScale.com in which 170 people were surveyed.
It seems like Ireland isn’t one of the best-paid countries globally, and according to numbeo.com it is the 9th most expensive country to live in.
If all you care about is money, maybe this isn’t the country for you. But remember, there is more to life than your paycheque. Ireland is a beautiful country with some of the nicest people in the world!
If you don’t choose to work there, it’s at least worth a holiday!
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Australia?
The average salary for architects in Australia is US$47,487 (AU$66,016). The average starting salary for an architect in Australia is US$37,822 (AU$50,527), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$69,045 (AU$95,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$37,822 (AU$50,527) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$51,712 (AU$70,870) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$69,045 (AU$95,000) |
The figures above are taken from PayScale.com in which 587 people were surveyed. This extensive data set makes this data very reliable.
The best city to be an architect in Australia is Hobart, Tasmania, where salaries are 6% above the national average. Brisbane and Sydney also pay 3-4% higher than the national average.
The lowest paying city for architects in Australia is Canberra, where salaries are 13% lower than the national average! Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide also pay less than the national average.
Where Do Architects Earn the Most In Australia?
No. | City | National Comparison | Average Salary |
1 | Hobart, Tasmania | +6% | AU$70,000 |
2 | Brisbane, Queensland | +4% | AU$68,647 |
3 | Sydney, New South Wales | +3% | AU$68,327 |
4 | Melbourne, Victoria | -4% | AU$63,818 |
5 | Perth, Western Australia | -6% | AU$62,101 |
6 | Adelaide, South Australia | -7% | AU$61,523 |
7 | Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) | -13% | AU$57,931 |
Australia is one of the better-paid countries, but it is worth considering that it is an expensive country to live in.
According to numbeo.com, Australia is the 17th highest cost of living. But more importantly, the price of a beer is an eye-watering US$6.94!
Australia is a beautiful and unique country with some fantastic architecture. I have a friend who moved there to work in architecture, and they had an incredible time!
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In New Zealand?
The average salary for architects in New Zealand is US$45,356 (NZ$64,805). The average starting salary for an architect in New Zealand is US$30,671 (NZ$43,822), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$84,227 (NZ$120,340).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$30,671 (NZ$43,822) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$47,879 (NZ$68,407) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$84,227 (NZ$120,340) |
This data is taken from a PayScale.com survey of 127 people.
Compared to other countries, New Zealand ranks in the middle for architecture salaries and cost of living.
What New Zealand does offer is a very different way of life for people who are used to living in big cities. The biggest cities in New Zealand are Auckland, with around 1.5 million people, and Christchurch, with 400,000.
To put that into perspective, Christchurch would be the 47th biggest city in the US.
This means that New Zealand offers a more relaxing way of life, with most populated areas within touching distance of some incredible nature.

How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Hong Kong?
The average salary for architects in Hong Kong is US$68,416 (HK$530,376). The average starting salary for an architect in Hong Kong is US$49,731 (HK$480,000), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$86,624 (HK$671,461).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$49,731 (HK$385,500) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$61,924 (HK$480,000) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$86,624 (HK$671,461) |
The above figures are taken from PayScale.com with a sample size of 52. This isn’t the most extensive data set; however, there is a wide range of experience within the sample, meaning the figures should be reliable.
Data from elsewhere suggests similar average salaries, so I am quite confident in the PayScale figures despite the relatively low data level.
This makes architects in Hong Kong some of the best paid in the world!
According to numbeo.com, Hong Kong is the 13th most expensive country globally, with a cost of living index of 77.90. When the rent price is factored in, the country is the 3rd most expensive place to live in the world.
If you’re thinking of moving to Hong Kong to work as an architect, the rent will be extremely high. But don’t worry, a beer will cost you $4.68… and I’m sure your salary will cover that.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Singapore?
The average salary for architects in Singapore is US$44,273 (S$59,421). The average starting salary for an architect in Singapore is US$21,496 (S$28,852), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$100,590 (S$135,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$21,496 (S$28,852) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$48,571 (S$65,187) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$100,590 (S$135,000) |
This is the data, according to PayScale.com, in which 131 people were surveyed.
Data from elsewhere suggests that the average architect’s salary in Singapore could be even higher than this.
Indeed.com shows that architects earn S$7,046 per month, resulting in an annual salary of S$84,552 ($63,011). This was taken from a sample size of 417, making the results likely to be reasonably accurate. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to see a breakdown of who was surveyed, so we do not know the sample’s level of experience.
Either way, the above figures show that architects a very well paid in Singapore. Despite not having the highest average wage globally, the data suggests that experienced architects in Singapore earn much more than in other countries.

However, it is worth bearing in mind that the cost of living in Singapore is one of the highest in the world.
According to numbeo.com, Singapore is the 10th most expensive country globally, with a cost of living index of 81.13. When the price of rent is factored in, the country is the 4th most expensive in the world.
A better indication is that the price of a beer is a whopping $8.04!
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In The Philippines?
The average salary for architects in The Philippines is US$5,896 (₱284,000). The average starting salary for an architect in The Philippines is US$4,173 (₱201,000), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$17,648 (₱850,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$4,173 (₱201,000) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$7,100 (₱342,000) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$17,648 (₱850,000) |
This is the data, according to PayScale.com, in which 126 people were surveyed.
This might not seem like a lot of money to people that live in the West, but don’t forget that the cost of living in the Philippines is very low.
According to numbeo.com, the Philippines is the 80th most expensive country in the world. This means your salary will stretch much further than it would in the US.
On top of this, the cost of a beer in the Philippines is an incredible $0.75! Even if you don’t decide to work there as an architect, it’s surely worth a visit!
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In India?
The average salary for architects in India is US$4,768 (₹353,381). The average starting salary for an architect in India is US$2,940 (₹217,867), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$15,912 (₹1,179,162).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$2,940 (₹217,867) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$7,857 (₹582,244) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$15,912 (₹1,179,162) |
The data shown above is taken from PayScale.com from a sample size of 896 people.
This is much lower than in other countries covered in this article. However, the cost of living in India is incredibly low. According to numbeo.com, India is the second least expensive country to live in worldwide, second only to Pakistan.
India is a must-visit country for architecture lovers. From Le Corbusier’s buildings in Chandigarh to the ancient observatories, it is a country like no other.
Where Do Architects earn the Most In India?
No. | City | National Comparison | Average Salary |
1 | Bangalore, Karnataka | +23% | ₹434,588 |
2 | New Delhi, Delhi | +17% | ₹413,822 |
3 | Ahmedabad, Gujarat | +4% | ₹366,213 |
4 | Mumbai, Maharashtra | -1% | ₹348,360 |
5 | Pune, Maharashtra | -8% | ₹325,000 |
6 | Chennai, Tamil Nadu | -12% | ₹310,939 |
As India is one of the world’s biggest countries, the salaries vary quite significantly between regions.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In The United Arab Emirates?
The average salary for architects in the UAE is US$33,020 (AED 121,269). The average starting salary for an architect in the UAE is US$32,170 (AED 118,144), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$98,025 (AED 360,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$32,170 (AED 118,144) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$33,044 (AED 121,356) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$98,025 (AED 360,000) |
The data shown above is taken from PayScale.com from a sample size of 335 people. This data suggests that the average salary for architects in the UAE increases significantly with greater experience levels.
Data from elsewhere suggests that the average salary for architects in the UAE could be higher overall.
Salary Explorer indicates an average salary of $65,000. If this data is correct, this will make the UAE one of the world’s highest paying countries for architecture.

How Much Do Architects Get Paid In Germany?
The average salary for architects in Germany is US$41,254 (€34,770). The average starting salary for an architect in Germany is US$34,360 (€28,959), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$55,226 (€46,540).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$34,360 (€28,959) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$47,230 (€39,802) |
Experienced | 10+ Years | US$55,226 (€46,540) |
The data shown above is taken from PayScale.com from a sample size of 227 people.
Germany may not be the most expensive county to live in. Still, it seems that architects are somewhat undervalued in the country. This is especially true when you compare Germany to countries of similar wealth, such as the US.
How Much Do Architects Get Paid In South Africa?
The average salary for architects in South Africa is US$20,166 (R308,949). The average starting salary for an architect in South Africa is US$12,522 (R191,846), and experienced workers can expect to earn an average of US$39,162 (R600,000).
Level | Experience | Salary |
Entry Level | <1 Year | US$12,522 (R191,846) |
Mid Career | 5-9 Years | US$22,523 (R345,077) |
Late Career | 20+ Years | US$39,162 (R600,000) |
The data shown above is taken from PayScale.com from a sample size of 229 people.
This is one of the lower-paying countries that we have surveyed; however, it is worth remembering that South Africa has a relatively low living cost. According to numbeo.com, South Africa is only the 82nd most expensive country to live in.
It’s Not About The Money
It might be true that money makes the world go round, but there is more to life than money.
In my opinion, you shouldn’t choose your job based on salary. Instead, try to find a place that you find interesting and exciting.
We spent most of our waking lives at work, wouldn’t it be nice to do something that you loved?